Source code for pycudadecon.deconvolution

import os
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union, cast

import numpy as np

from . import lib
from .otf import TemporaryOTF
from .util import PathOrArray, _kwargs_for, imread

[docs]def rl_cleanup() -> None: """Release GPU buffer and cleanup after deconvolution. Call this before program quits to release global GPUBuffer d_interpOTF. - Resets any bleach corrections - Removes OTF from GPU buffer - Destroys cuFFT plan - Releases GPU buffers """ lib.RL_cleanup()
[docs]def rl_init( rawdata_shape: Tuple[int, int, int], otfpath: str, dzdata: float = 0.5, dxdata: float = 0.1, dzpsf: float = 0.1, dxpsf: float = 0.1, deskew: float = 0, rotate: float = 0, width: int = 0, skewed_decon: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize GPU for deconvolution. Prepares cuFFT plan for deconvolution with a given data shape and OTF. Must be used prior to :func:`pycudadecon.rl_decon` Parameters ---------- rawdata_shape : Tuple[int, int, int] 3-tuple of data shape otfpath : str Path to OTF TIF dzdata : float, optional Z-step size of data, by default 0.5 dxdata : float, optional XY pixel size of data, by default 0.1 dzpsf : float, optional Z-step size of the OTF, by default 0.1 dxpsf : float, optional XY pixel size of the OTF, by default 0.1 deskew : float, optional Deskew angle. If not 0.0 then deskewing will be performed before deconvolution, by default 0 rotate : float, optional Rotation angle; if not 0.0 then rotation will be performed around Y axis after deconvolution, by default 0 width : int, optional If deskewed, the output image's width, by default 0 (do not crop) skewed_decon : bool, optional If True, perform deconvolution in skewed space, by default False. Same as the "-dcbds" command line option. If deskewing, do it after decon; require sample-scan PSF and non-Rotational Averaged 3D OTF Examples -------- >>> rl_init(im.shape, otfpath) >>> decon_result = rl_decon(im) >>> rl_cleanup() """ nz, ny, nx = rawdata_shape args: list = [nx, ny, nz, dxdata, dzdata, dxpsf, dzpsf, deskew, rotate, width] if lib.lib.version >= (0, 6): # must have cudadecon library >= 0.6.0 args += [skewed_decon] lib.RL_interface_init(*args, otfpath.encode()) # type: ignore
[docs]def rl_decon( im: np.ndarray, background: Union[int, Literal["auto"]] = 80, n_iters: int = 10, shift: int = 0, save_deskewed: bool = False, output_shape: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None, napodize: int = 15, nz_blend: int = 0, pad_val: float = 0.0, dup_rev_z: bool = False, skewed_decon: bool = False, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """Perform Richardson Lucy Deconvolution. Performs actual deconvolution. GPU must first be initialized with :func:`pycudadecon.rl_init` Parameters ---------- im : np.ndarray 3D image volume to deconvolve background : int or 'auto' User-supplied background to subtract. If 'auto', the median value of the last Z plane will be used as background. by default 80 n_iters : int, optional Number of iterations, by default 10 shift : int, optional If deskewed, the output image's extra shift in X (positive->left), by default 0 save_deskewed : bool, optional Save deskewed raw data as well as deconvolution result, by default False output_shape : tuple of int, optional Specify the output shape after deskewing. Usually this is unnecessary and can be autodetected. Mostly intended for use within a :class:`pycudadecon.RLContext` context, by default None napodize : int, optional Number of pixels to soften edge with, by default 15 nz_blend : int, optional Number of top and bottom sections to blend in to reduce axial ringing, by default 0 pad_val : float, optional Value with which to pad image when deskewing, by default 0.0 dup_rev_z : bool, optional Duplicate reversed stack prior to decon to reduce axial ringing, by default False skewed_decon : bool, optional If True, perform deconvolution in skewed space, by default False. Returns ------- np.ndarray or 2-tuple of np.ndarray The deconvolved result. If `save_deskewed` is `True`, returns `(decon_result, deskew_result)` Raises ------ ValueError If im.ndim is not 3, or `output_shape` is provided but not length 3 """ if im.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("Only 3D arrays supported") nz, ny, nx = im.shape if output_shape is None: output_shape = (lib.get_output_nz(), lib.get_output_ny(), lib.get_output_nx()) elif len(output_shape) != 3: raise ValueError("Decon output shape must have length==3") decon_result = np.empty(tuple(output_shape), dtype=np.float32) if save_deskewed: deskew_result = np.empty_like(decon_result) else: deskew_result = np.empty(1, dtype=np.float32) # must be 16 bit going in if not np.issubdtype(im.dtype, np.uint16): im = im.astype(np.uint16) if isinstance(background, str) and background == "auto": background = np.median(im[-1]) rescale = False # not sure if this works yet... if not im.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]: im = np.ascontiguousarray(im) args = [ im, nx, ny, nz, decon_result, deskew_result, background, rescale, save_deskewed, n_iters, shift, napodize, nz_blend, pad_val, dup_rev_z, ] if lib.lib.version >= (0, 6): args += [skewed_decon] lib.RL_interface(*args) # type: ignore if save_deskewed: return decon_result, deskew_result else: return decon_result
def quickDecon( image: np.ndarray, otfpath: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """Perform deconvolution of `image` with otf at `otfpath`. Not currently used... """ assert image.ndim == 3, "Only 3D arrays supported" rl_init(image.shape, otfpath, **_kwargs_for(rl_init, kwargs)) # type: ignore result = rl_decon(image, **_kwargs_for(rl_decon, kwargs)) lib.RL_cleanup() return result
[docs]class RLContext: """Context manager to setup the GPU for RL decon. Takes care of handing the OTF to the GPU, preparing a cuFFT plan, and cleaning up after decon. Internally, this calls :func:`rl_init`, stores the shape of the expected output volume after any deskew/decon, then calls :func:`rl_cleanup` when exiting the context. For parameters, see :func:`rl_init`. Examples -------- >>> with RLContext(data.shape, otfpath, dz) as ctx: ... result = rl_decon(data, ctx.out_shape) """ def __init__( self, rawdata_shape: Tuple[int, int, int], otfpath: str, dzdata: float = 0.5, dxdata: float = 0.1, dzpsf: float = 0.1, dxpsf: float = 0.1, deskew: float = 0, rotate: float = 0, width: int = 0, skewed_decon: bool = False, ): self.kwargs = { "rawdata_shape": rawdata_shape, "otfpath": otfpath, "dzdata": dzdata, "dxdata": dxdata, "dzpsf": dzpsf, "dxpsf": dxpsf, "deskew": deskew, "rotate": rotate, "width": width, "skewed_decon": skewed_decon, } self.out_shape: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None def __enter__(self) -> "RLContext": """Setup the context and return the ZYX shape of the output image.""" rl_init(**self.kwargs) # type: ignore self.out_shape = (lib.get_output_nz(), lib.get_output_ny(), lib.get_output_nx()) return self def __exit__(self, *_: Any) -> None: """Cleanup the context.""" # exit receives a tuple with any exceptions raised during processing # if __exit__ returns True, exceptions will be supressed lib.RL_cleanup()
# alias rl_context = RLContext def _yield_arrays( images: Union[PathOrArray, Sequence[PathOrArray]], fpattern: str = "*.tif" ) -> Iterator[np.ndarray]: """Yield arrays from an array, path, or sequence of either. Parameters ---------- images : Union[PathOrArray, Sequence[PathOrArray]] an array, path, or sequence of either fpattern : str, optional used to filter files in a directory, by default "*.tif" Yields ------ Iterator[np.ndarray] Arrays (read from paths if necessary) Raises ------ OSError If a directory is provided and no files match fpattern. """ if isinstance(images, np.ndarray): yield images elif isinstance(images, str): if os.path.isfile(images): yield imread(images) elif os.path.isdir(images): imfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(images) if fnmatch(f, fpattern)] if not len(imfiles): raise OSError( 'No files matching pattern "{}" found in directory: {}'.format( fpattern, images ) ) for fpath in imfiles: yield imread(os.path.join(images, fpath)) else: for item in images: yield from _yield_arrays(item)
[docs]def decon( images: Union[PathOrArray, Sequence[PathOrArray]], psf: PathOrArray, fpattern: str = "*.tif", *, # make_otf kwargs: dzpsf: float = 0.1, dxpsf: float = 0.1, wavelength: int = 520, na: float = 1.25, nimm: float = 1.3, otf_bgrd: Optional[int] = None, krmax: int = 0, fixorigin: int = 10, cleanup_otf: bool = False, max_otf_size: int = 60000, # rl_init_kwargs: dzdata: float = 0.5, dxdata: float = 0.1, deskew: float = 0, rotate: float = 0, width: int = 0, skewed_decon: bool = False, # rl_decon kwargs: background: Union[int, Literal["auto"]] = 80, n_iters: int = 10, shift: int = 0, save_deskewed: bool = False, napodize: int = 15, nz_blend: int = 0, pad_val: float = 0.0, dup_rev_z: bool = False, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]: """Deconvolve an image or images with a PSF or OTF file. If `images` is a directory, use the `fpattern` argument to select files by filename pattern. Note that all other kwargs are passed to either :func:`make_otf`, :func:`rl_init`, or :func:`rl_decon`. Parameters ---------- images : str, np.ndarray, or sequence of either The array, filepath, directory, or list/tuple thereof to deconvolve psf : str or np.ndarray a filepath of a PSF or OTF file, or a 3D numpy PSF array. Function will auto-detect whether the file is a 3D PSF or a filepath representing a 2D complex OTF. fpattern : str, optional Filepattern to use when a directory is provided in the `images` argument, by default `*.tif` dzpsf : float, optional Z-step size in microns, by default 0.1 dxpsf : float, optional XY-Pixel size in microns, by default 0.1 wavelength : int, optional Emission wavelength in nm, by default 520 na : float, optional Numerical Aperture, by default 1.25 nimm : float, optional Refractive indez of immersion medium, by default 1.3 otf_bgrd : int, optional Background to subtract. "None" = autodetect., by default None krmax : int, optional pixels outside this limit will be zeroed (overwriting estimated value from NA and NIMM), by default 0 fixorigin : int, optional for all kz, extrapolate using pixels kr=1 to this pixel to get value for kr=0, by default 10 cleanup_otf : bool, optional clean-up outside OTF support, by default False max_otf_size : int, optional make sure OTF is smaller than this many bytes. Deconvolution may fail if the OTF is larger than 60KB (default: 60000), by default 60000 dzdata : float, optional Z-step size of data, by default 0.5 dxdata : float, optional XY pixel size of data, by default 0.1 deskew : float, optional Deskew angle. If not 0.0 then deskewing will be performed before deconvolution, by default 0 rotate : float, optional Rotation angle; if not 0.0 then rotation will be performed around Y axis after deconvolution, by default 0 width : int, optional If deskewed, the output image's width, by default 0 (do not crop) skewed_decon : bool, optional If True, perform deconvolution in skewed space, by default False. Same as the "-dcbds" command line option. If deskewing, do it after decon; require sample-scan PSF and non-Rotational Averaged 3D OTF background : int or 'auto' User-supplied background to subtract. If 'auto', the median value of the last Z plane will be used as background. by default 80 n_iters : int, optional Number of iterations, by default 10 shift : int, optional If deskewed, the output image's extra shift in X (positive->left), by default 0 save_deskewed : bool, optional Save deskewed raw data as well as deconvolution result, by default False napodize : int, optional Number of pixels to soften edge with, by default 15 nz_blend : int, optional Number of top and bottom sections to blend in to reduce axial ringing, by default 0 pad_val : float, optional Value with which to pad image when deskewing, by default 0.0 dup_rev_z : bool, optional Duplicate reversed stack prior to decon to reduce axial ringing, by default False Returns ------- np.ndarray or list of array The deconvolved image(s). Will be a list if `images` was a sequence of length >=2. Raises ------ ValueError If save_deskewed is True and deskew is unset or 0 IOError If a directory is provided as input and ``fpattern`` yields no files NotImplementedError If ``psf`` is provided as a complex, 2D numpy array (OTFs can only be provided as filenames created with :func:`pycudadecon.make_otf`) Examples -------- deconvolve a 3D TIF volume with a 3D PSF volume (e.g. a single bead stack) >>> result = decon('/path/to/image.tif', '/path/to/psf.tif') deconvolve all TIF files in a specific directory that match a certain `filename pattern <>`_, (in this example, all TIFs with the string '560nm' in their name) >>> result = decon( ... '/directory/with/images', '/path/to/psf.tif', fpattern='*560nm*.tif' ... ) deconvolve a list of images, provided either as np.ndarrays, filepaths, or directories >>> imarray = tifffile.imread('some_other_image.tif') >>> inputs = ['/directory/with/images', '/path/to/image.tif', imarray] >>> result = decon(inputs, '/path/to/psf.tif', fpattern='*560nm*.tif') """ if save_deskewed and deskew == 0: raise ValueError("Must set deskew != 0 when using save_deskewed=True") out = [] with TemporaryOTF( psf, dzpsf=dzpsf, dxpsf=dxpsf, wavelength=wavelength, na=na, nimm=nimm, otf_bgrd=otf_bgrd, krmax=krmax, fixorigin=fixorigin, cleanup_otf=cleanup_otf, max_otf_size=max_otf_size, ) as otf: arraygen = _yield_arrays(images, fpattern) # first, assume that all of the images are the same shape... # in which case we can prevent a lot of GPU IO # grab and store the shape of the first item in the generator next_im: np.ndarray = next(arraygen) assert next_im.ndim == 3, "Images must be 3D" shp = cast("tuple[int, int, int]", next_im.shape) with RLContext( shp, otf.path, dzdata=dzdata, dxdata=dxdata, dzpsf=dzpsf, dxpsf=dxpsf, deskew=deskew, rotate=rotate, width=width, skewed_decon=skewed_decon, ) as ctx: # type: ignore while True: out.append( rl_decon( next_im, output_shape=ctx.out_shape, background=background, n_iters=n_iters, shift=shift, save_deskewed=save_deskewed, napodize=napodize, nz_blend=nz_blend, pad_val=pad_val, dup_rev_z=dup_rev_z, skewed_decon=skewed_decon, ) ) try: next_im = next(arraygen) # here we check to make sure that the images are still the same # shape... if not, we'll continue below if next_im.shape != shp: break except StopIteration: next_im = None # type: ignore break # if we had a shape mismatch, there will still be images left to process # process them the slow way here... if next_im is not None: for imarray in [next_im, *arraygen]: with RLContext(imarray.shape, otf.path, **init_kwargs) as ctx: # type: ignore # noqa out.append( rl_decon( imarray, output_shape=ctx.out_shape, background=background, n_iters=n_iters, shift=shift, save_deskewed=save_deskewed, napodize=napodize, nz_blend=nz_blend, pad_val=pad_val, dup_rev_z=dup_rev_z, skewed_decon=skewed_decon, ) ) if isinstance(images, (list, tuple)) and len(images) > 1: return out # type: ignore else: return out[0] # type: ignore