Source code for pycudadecon.otf

import os
import tempfile
from typing import Any, Optional

import numpy as np
import tifffile as tf

from . import lib
from .util import PathOrArray, imread, is_otf

def predict_otf_size(psf: PathOrArray) -> int:
    """Calculate the file size of the OTF that would result from this psf.

    psf : PathOrArray
        psf that would be used to make the otf

        number of bytes that the OTF file would be

        if the input is neither an existing filepath or numpy array
    if isinstance(psf, np.ndarray):
        nz, _, nx = psf.shape
    elif isinstance(psf, str) and os.path.isfile(psf):
        with tf.TiffFile(psf) as file:
            nz, _, nx = file.series[0].shape
        raise ValueError("psf argument must be filepath or numpy array")
    # the radially averaged OTF only cares about the x
    otfpix = nz * 2 * (nx // 2 + 1)
    # header size adds up to around 251 bytes
    return 251 + otfpix * 32 // 8

def cap_psf_size(
    psf: np.ndarray, max_otf_size: float = 60000, min_xy: int = 200, min_nz: int = 20
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Crop PSF to a size that will yield an OTF with a maximum specified size.

    psf : np.ndarray
        3D PSF to be turned into an OTF
    max_otf_size : int or float, optional
        Maximum output OTF size. Defaults to 60000.
    min_xy : int, optional
        minimum size of xy dimension, by default 200
    min_nz : int, optional
        minimum size of z dimension, by default 20

        cropped PSF
    # output_otf_size = (1 + nx // 2) * (nz * 2) * 4
    if not max_otf_size:
        max_otf_size = np.inf

    if predict_otf_size(psf) <= max_otf_size:
        return psf
    _nz, _, _nx = psf.shape

    # figure out how close the PSF maximum is to the edge of the stack
    z_center, y_center, x_center = np.unravel_index(psf.argmax(), psf.shape)
    outnz = 2 * (_nz // 2 - np.abs(z_center - _nz // 2))

    # the maximum nx that would work given maximum z size
    outnx = max_otf_size // (outnz * 4) - 2
    # if it's less than the specified minimum
    # then figure out how much Z we can allow
    if outnx < min_xy:
        outnx = min_xy
        outnz = max_otf_size // ((1 + min_xy // 2) * 8)

    idx = tuple(
        slice(np.maximum(0, i - outnz // 2), i + 1 * outnz // 2)
        for i in (z_center, y_center, x_center)
    psf = psf[idx]

    _nz, _ny, _nx = psf.shape
    assert (_nx // 2 + 1) * 2 * _nz * 4 <= max_otf_size, f"Cap PSF failed...{psf.shape}"
    return psf

class CappedPSF:
    """Context manager that provides the path to a 3D PSF.

    Thi is guaranteed to yield an OTF that is smaller than the specified value.

        psf (str, np.ndarray): Path to a PSF or a numpy array with a 3D PSF
        max_otf_size (int, None): maximum allowable size in bytes of the OTF.  If None,
            do not restrict size of OTF.

        str: the ``self.path`` attribute may be used within the context to retrieve
            a filepath with (if necessary) a temporary path to a cropped psf.  Or, if
            if the PSF was already small enough, simply returns the original PSF, as
            a temporary pathname if the psf was provided as a numpy array

    def __init__(self, psf: PathOrArray, max_otf_size: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
        self.psf = psf
        self.max_otf_size = max_otf_size or np.inf
        self.temp_psf: Optional["tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper"] = None
        self.path: str
        if isinstance(self.psf, str) and os.path.isfile(self.psf):
            if predict_otf_size(self.psf) <= self.max_otf_size:
                self.path = self.psf
                self.psf = imread(self.psf)
        if isinstance(self.psf, np.ndarray):
            self.temp_psf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tif", delete=False)
            tf.imwrite(, cap_psf_size(self.psf, self.max_otf_size))
            self.path =

    def __enter__(self) -> "CappedPSF":
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *_: Any) -> None:
        if self.temp_psf is not None:
            except Exception:

[docs]def make_otf( psf: str, outpath: Optional[str] = None, dzpsf: float = 0.1, dxpsf: float = 0.1, wavelength: int = 520, na: float = 1.25, nimm: float = 1.3, otf_bgrd: Optional[int] = None, krmax: int = 0, fixorigin: int = 10, cleanup_otf: bool = False, max_otf_size: int = 60000, **kwargs: Any, ) -> str: """Generate a radially averaged OTF file from a PSF file. Parameters ---------- psf : str Filepath of 3D PSF TIF outpath : str, optional Destination filepath for the output OTF (default: appends "_otf.tif" to filename), by default None dzpsf : float, optional Z-step size in microns, by default 0.1 dxpsf : float, optional XY-Pixel size in microns, by default 0.1 wavelength : int, optional Emission wavelength in nm, by default 520 na : float, optional Numerical Aperture, by default 1.25 nimm : float, optional Refractive indez of immersion medium, by default 1.3 otf_bgrd : int, optional Background to subtract. "None" = autodetect., by default None krmax : int, optional pixels outside this limit will be zeroed (overwriting estimated value from NA and NIMM), by default 0 fixorigin : int, optional for all kz, extrapolate using pixels kr=1 to this pixel to get value for kr=0, by default 10 cleanup_otf : bool, optional clean-up outside OTF support, by default False max_otf_size : int, optional make sure OTF is smaller than this many bytes. Deconvolution may fail if the OTF is larger than 60KB (default: 60000), by default 60000 Returns ------- str Path to the OTF file """ if outpath is None: outpath = psf.replace(".tif", "_otf.tif") if otf_bgrd and isinstance(otf_bgrd, (int, float)): bUserBackground = True background = float(otf_bgrd) else: bUserBackground = False background = 0.0 with CappedPSF(psf, max_otf_size) as _psf: lib.makeOTF( str.encode(_psf.path), str.encode(outpath), wavelength, dzpsf, fixorigin, bUserBackground, background, na, nimm, dxpsf, krmax, cleanup_otf, ) return outpath
[docs]class TemporaryOTF: """Context manager to read OTF file or generate a temporary OTF from a PSF. Normalizes the input PSF to always provide the path to an OTF file, converting the PSF to a temporary file if necessary. ``self.path`` can be used within the context to get the filepath to the temporary OTF filepath. Args: ---- psf (str, np.ndarray): 3D PSF numpy array, or a filepath to a 3D PSF or 2D complex OTF file. **kwargs: optional keyword arguments will be passed to the :func:`pycudadecon.otf.make_otf` function Note: ---- OTF files cannot currently be provided directly as 2D complex np.ndarrays Raises: ------ ValueError: If the PSF/OTF is an unexpected type NotImplementedError: if the PSF/OTF is a complex 2D numpy array Example: ------- >>> with TemporaryOTF(psf, **kwargs) as otf: ... print(otf.path) """ def __init__(self, psf: PathOrArray, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.psf = psf self.kwargs = kwargs def __enter__(self) -> "TemporaryOTF": if not is_otf(self.psf): self.tempotf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tif", delete=False) if isinstance(self.psf, np.ndarray): temp_psf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tif", delete=False) tf.imwrite(, self.psf) make_otf(,, **self.kwargs) try: temp_psf.close() except Exception: pass elif isinstance(self.psf, str) and os.path.isfile(self.psf): make_otf(self.psf,, **self.kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"Did not expect PSF file as {type(self.psf)}") self.path = elif is_otf(self.psf) and os.path.isfile(str(self.psf)): self.path = str(self.psf) elif is_otf(self.psf) and isinstance(self.psf, np.ndarray): raise NotImplementedError("cannot yet handle OTFs as numpy arrays") else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized input for otf") return self def __exit__(self, *_: Any) -> None: try: self.tempotf.close() os.remove( except Exception: pass